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The Pines offers many opportunities to relax and learn the many ways to reduce stress.

10 Proven Ways to Reduce Stress

Discover the transformative power of stress management with the insightful article “Ten Ways To Reduce Stress for Older Adults.” In this article, you’ll learn all about the importance of addressing stress in seniors, who face heightened risks of health complications. By embracing the practical strategies outlined, such as mindfulness practices, nurturing social connections, and adopting […]

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The Advantages of Senior Living

Discover how senior living communities such as The Pines at Davidson can significantly enhance you or your loved one’s quality of life with our comprehensive free download. This insightful guide delves into the numerous benefits, from social activities and wellness programs to personalized care and safety features, that these communities offer. By understanding these key […]

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Guide To Senior Nutrition

Boost your health by embracing a colorful diet! For seniors, incorporating a variety of vibrant foods can significantly improve bone, heart, and brain health. This guide will help you explore the benefits of different colors and how they can enhance your overall well-being. Check out our free download and discover which colors you should include […]

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5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is in the air! It’s the perfect time to relax outside in the warmer weather, plant some colorful flowers and start some spring cleaning. Decluttering is a rewarding spring activity but it can be hard to know where to start. Check out our spring cleaning guide for tips for making cleaning easy and enjoyable. […]

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Everything a Person Might Need.

At the Pines at Davidson, our services and amenities will give you all the comforts of home without the worry of constant maintenance. Enjoy all our community has to offer with a worry free lifestyle!

Everything a Person Might Need

At the Pines at Davidson, our services and amenities will give you all the comforts of home without the worry of constant maintenance. Enjoy all our community has to offer with a worry free lifestyle!

Explore Our Amenities

Start Planning Your Future at The Pines at Davidson.

At The Pines at Davidson, we understand that the search for senior care options for you or your loved ones can seem like a challenge. Our team is here to help! Schedule a tour or a one-on-one conversation with our Marketing team. We look forward to discussing any questions you and your family may have.

The Pines of Davidson Schedule a Visit Today or call (704) 896-1100

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